CueRvOcroW: you died
MorbYdD: not yet
CueRvOcroW: that was a very very
long smoke then

CueRvOcroW: sigh
MorbYdD: i know
CueRvOcroW: why smoke so much?
CueRvOcroW: your lungs will shrivel
up and be unhappy

MorbYdD: i was aggrivated
CueRvOcroW: why?
MorbYdD: nothin
CueRvOcroW: aggravated at nothing?
MorbYdD: yeah
CueRvOcroW: odd
CueRvOcroW: what're you thiking

MorbYdD: i don't know
CueRvOcroW: ={ waht's wrong?
MorbYdD: nuthin
CueRvOcroW: doens't seem like it
CueRvOcroW: should i not talk to you?
MorbYdD: hold on i'm getting food
CueRvOcroW: oh
MorbYdD: ok
CueRvOcroW: hi
MorbYdD: hey
CueRvOcroW: so do you actually
wanna come here?

MorbYdD: yeah
CueRvOcroW: ok
CueRvOcroW: i'm just gettin the
feeling you dont

MorbYdD: i do
CueRvOcroW: sigh
CueRvOcroW: i just feel unloved n
lonely i guess

MorbYdD: why?
CueRvOcroW: coz it doesnt' seem like
you care that much

CueRvOcroW: or if you do.. that i care
too much more

CueRvOcroW: am i insane?
MorbYdD: no
CueRvOcroW: am i right?
MorbYdD: i don't know
CueRvOcroW: sigh
CueRvOcroW: i wanna crawl off into a
corner and die now

MorbYdD: it just aggrivates me because
you ask me a few days ago to go in less
than 2 weeks and get sad cause i can't

MorbYdD: i mean i have plans that i can't

CueRvOcroW: bleh
MorbYdD: and even if i didn't have plans
i don't have the money to go

CueRvOcroW: i was already sad in the
first place

MorbYdD: i know that you were gonna
give me money but that was just enough
to get there

CueRvOcroW: rund trip would be 158

MorbYdD: i have other expenses and you
already know how i feel about handouts

CueRvOcroW: ={
MorbYdD: well where would i get another
$200 to eat and do stuff at?

CueRvOcroW: you could eat here
CueRvOcroW: im sorry i asked so late
CueRvOcroW: but it was the best i
could do

MorbYdD: its ok
CueRvOcroW: i would've dropped
everything for you

MorbYdD: its not your fault
CueRvOcroW: i still would
CueRvOcroW: i dunno if that's right

CueRvOcroW: i need to go
MorbYdD: ok then...
CueRvOcroW: i'm sorry
MorbYdD: its ok...
CueRvOcroW: sigh
CueRvOcroW: you ever get the feeling
that your insides are actually a black

MorbYdD: all the time
CueRvOcroW: i wonder if thatll change
MorbYdD: me too
CueRvOcroW: there's nothing in the
world i want more than a hug from
you right now

CueRvOcroW: sad, huh?
MorbYdD: i don't know...
CueRvOcroW: anyway..
CueRvOcroW: i'm gonna crawl into
bed and die for a few hours

MorbYdD: yeah..
CueRvOcroW: lots of lil ...'s you have
CueRvOcroW: heh
MorbYdD: yup
CueRvOcroW: hmm.. what am i to

CueRvOcroW: i promise i'll actually go
after you answer

MorbYdD: my love
CueRvOcroW: *hugs
MorbYdD: *hugs back*
CueRvOcroW: you're eveyrthing to me
MorbYdD: i love you
CueRvOcroW: i love you too
CueRvOcroW: goodnight n stuff
MorbYdD: night
MorbYdD: *kiss*