Friday- August 4, 2000
so.. i'm here in redwood city now, at my cousin's house. pretty annyoying
to have kim along with us, actually. she got home three hours late and didn't
even call to tell us. aaand of course she's already started being rude and
mean to me. oh joy. anyway... i hope god's been getting my emails. grr i miss
him. damn parents and their use of grounding. oh well. probly not gonna be
able to add any more journalythings till i'm back from vacation. oh yea...
and the whole tattoo the earth crap... i just decided that if i don't get a
free ticket, i won't go. i spend too much on concerts, and it's far away anyway.
bleh to that.
Thursday- August 3, 2000
goin off to visit family, then go to Oregon soon. gonna take some pics
and stuff. woot. and.. yea. i'm not sure what time i should go visit alyssa,
but i said i would, so i will. damn the sun though. grar and a half it's too
hot. and.. last night i coudlnt' sleep again. this time didn't sleep till
6-6:30am. yay to taht... but i still woke up before the good ol 12 noon Breed
All About It goodness. and it seems my oldest sister, kim, is actually going
on vacation with us. even if for just a short part of it. it's good because
the rest of the family hasn't seen her in forever, and my grandma's stuck in
a hospital bed and get so happy when she sees mai khanh and me, but kim's never
there. but it sucks coz the car'll be soooo crawded and awful. and i'll probly
have to listen to at least some of her weird music. bleh.
Tuesday- August 1, 2000
hey look! the beginning of the month! wow! uhmm.... no. i had a nice
yummy breakfast, but i'm still annoyed that we don't have any coffee
and that my sister and her friend ate all the ice cream. graar. oh.
and i couldn't sleep last night and knocked everything off my bed and
all that crazy stuff. and Breed All About it was re-runs, but at least
i missed most of the Rottwieler, so it was still interesting. so... i'm
missing god a lot. as always. but more now coz we haven't talked in a while.
talked to aaron last night though. that was cool. oh. hey. did i ever
mention that i found my old diarything from 6th grade??? man. everytime i
read that over again, i become completely amazed at what a psycho i was/am.
i might include some random quotes from it for the site though. some of
it's rather amusing, or still true.