Wednesday- January 24, 2001

yea yea.. it's early morning again.. so i'm gonna talk about the day before. time is such a nuisance... but i insist on accuracy. what a bastard. so yea tuesday... went to see Antitrust with mitch...yay for nerdiness. the amazing thing was that i actually let him pay for me. for the movie.. and for a milkshake after. mmm. milkshake. so.. i also fixed up my corset a bit.. it fits a lot better now and i'm pleased. i still haven't done much to the second one.. but i figure i should take my time on that one and figure out stuff BEFORE i make it, unlike this one. i'm in no time rush for this second one, so that's good. oh.. and charlie ran away again last night, but he came back today. or.. hmm. came back tuesday. soo.. i talked to scott today so that was cool. today as in wednesday. the real today. but uh.. i'm still feelin real dumb for this whole thing and uhmm he's not coming in feb. anymore. so.. i don't know what's goin on with that whole mess. i still say i need a localboy and that there actually aren't any localboys for me around here, so yea. i'm screwed. i should be working on music instead anyway. i'm just scared that if i start messin on my guitar the only stuff i'll come up with will sound like the thing i wrote a while ago, so i'm kinda avoiding it. anyway.. more on today later today i guess. or tomorrow.. time needs to rearrange itself.
Monday- January 22, 2001

well.. actually it's just early morning as usual. feels more like sunday. but anyway.. today is khanh's last day here. she's leaving for rhode island again in some odd number of hours. le sigh! it'll such so much without her. but uhm... chris and i got the ad goin in the recycler. i hope we get some replies! and.. i'm finally starting that second corset i've been talking about. it'll be overbust this time. i think i might give/sell the old one to brandy. i probly shouldn't just give it away since it took a LONG time to make, and money for the stuff to make it. hmm. no idea. well.. she knows i'm willing to sell almost anything so i can have money to get scott here. so...this whole week and weekend are all booked up for me. completely unusual, but definately nice. i can't believe i have to start school again next week though. grrr and a half. times ten. fucking school. oh well.. that human sexuality class should be fun. then again, last semester, the only class i was looking forward to was the Drum one... and that was the first class i dropped. who knows what'll happen this time.
Friday- January 19, 2001

3.03am right now..but i'm gonna talk like it's Thursday, coz time is just fucked and i'm not done with my day yet, so today just isn't allowed to actually be Friday yet. and i'm cold. yes, i'm still whining about cold. but i went to matt's today... good fun. i guess things are cool between me and rich now. so i get home.. and i eat an entire can of condensed soup... two sandwiches, two eggs, a HUGE cup of hot chocolate, and a piece of cake. i love food. i started the fashion site.. finally. Santa Ana College Fashion it's not all that special or anything just yet. i actually really don't like it right now, but it'll get better. i haven't done any serious webdesign in a while anyway. soo.. gotta actually talk to scott today. that was cool.. but i'm really missin irc. irony at play again, of course. i go months without touching the program, and once i start up agian, it won't let me on and now i'm constantly trying to get on and just being frustrated. wow. i think my grammar might have fallen off back there. i don't even know. but... yea. i'm cold. what the hell am i gonna do friday? err. today? tomorrow? fuck i hate time.
Wednesday- January 17, 2001

i went to the dentist today. i have 3 cavities. fucking SUCKS. i then went into the garage to attempt some musical fun, but my voice was just feeling dead today, and i got bored of guitar real fast and didn't even feel like playing drums really, so i ended up falling asleep on my couch in there all dressed up and in makeup coz i was just bored. so...hours later, i went to the Orange Mall with khanh... lots of fun. i got mango frozen yogurt. it was actually really good. i love hanging out with my sister anyway. so then i went to matt's.. played a game of Magic (yea, did i mention they sucked me into their nerddom?) and then watched jeninenifer cut joe and fag's hair, and then she was all nice and fixed up mine. great fun. then the group watched south park and tv funhouse, and i went home after. today was mostly full of events, and not actual thoughts or anything. i just don't really know what to say. well.. i'm fucking cold. i hate trying to type with cold fingers. the whole electricity crap is pissing me off, i just really need a band or something. then i'll have stuff to do and most importantly... shows. i really fucking need to play shows sometime soon. hmm. i should go eat those rolos.
Tuesday- January 16, 2001

so i called the probation officer or whatever today.. had to leave a message. i also changed my HTML 1 class to a later time so that i don't have a bunch of classes all at once. and i played guitar and drums and sang and all that stuff. actually fixed up that song i wrote yesterday a lot and played it for chrischick on the phone. she liked it, so i'm pretty damn pleased with the whole band thing. still no name though. and still missing the other members of the band... hah. but it happens. khanh and mom and i took charlie out on a walk today... he seemed frustrated at not being allowed to pull on the leash a lot and jump up on EVERYONE. scared the hell outta two guys walking down the street when he jumped on them. poor lil doggie's just waaayyy too hyper. but i haven't gotten to really talk to scott lately. suckage and a half. and it's been way too long since i talked to vlad. when the hell does he get back to cali? crazy how some netthings actually work out so damn well. there's the lovely and beautiful heidi-joe thing.. and vlad and his girl.. it's just too cute. oh. i painted khanh's nails today. they're all pretty dark red shiney coolness. and there's still no bandname, but maybe we'll get groupies or something. then i could have a really insane lovelife. it's always weird coz people actually ask me specifically about that a lot. i guess it's caught on that my life is a bit of a soap opera. i don't have a new guy ever other month anymore though. some still say i always have a new guy or something.. but i dunno where the hell they are i guess. only guys i get are online and way the hell far away. i'm adjusting too nicely.
Monday- January 15, 2001

so i spent the night at matt's last night. first time i had to sleep there alone on the couch. i actually had trouble sleeping in it though, because it was too much like a bed. i couldn't sleep until i was sleeping on the thing sideways all weird over the arms and stuff. so yea, that was with chrischick and frenchie, and we watched kittie and tool videos when we woke up. so.. chrischick and i are gonna start a band soon. that should rule. oh, and frenchie and i saw stoner at mcdonalds that night too. that was funny. and no i did NOT eat anything from there. well.. i stole some of frenchie's fries..but my dinner was burger king and taco bell. i think burger king overcharged. bastards. but yea.. so far today's kinda slow or something. i don't feel like it's goin anywhere, but who knows. brooke was supposed to come over, but i have no idea where she is now. that sucks a lot coz i was looking forward to seeing her. i might go out with jenn in a while though. friends fucking rule. i shouldn't have tried to have an active life offline. i'm much happier with a balance of the two. my lovely beautiful netgirl, ashes, and the infamous scott... they keep me happy as i need to be, along with the ton of other cool people online. and then there's people irl to hang out with that just fucking rule, so it's all balanced and happy and i don't fucking want a local boy coz there really is nothing around here for me. but being in a band and playing shows will make me happier than ever.
Saturday- January 13, 2001

it's 2.10am right now, so it's technically saturday, but i'm gonna talk about friday, dammit. so friday.... i getta go jewelry shopping with my cool ass siter, i get two CBR's and shd another pair of rings.. the ones that look like cbr's, but are cheap? anyway.. and my sister gets a pair of those too. and i got my glasses. supercool blue and black nerdy ones. soooo much more comfy than wire frames. and so much nerdier! yay! but i need to get my toungue pierced soon. oh. and i gotta see nikki on thursday! that was supercool. never see her anymore. and i registered for my classes too. lets see... three internet online classes, one fashion class, learning sign language, and a class on human sexuality. i am SUCH a credit whore. i'd i'd ever give a damn about learning some of this stuff it they were't worth the credits. argh. well.. one weird thing. i'm around IRC again. i guess i'm just done with my little break. and i'm still banned from #femalemasturbation. goddamn that room was so funny...

so now it's 6.53 pm and the day has mostly happened. i bleached the long streaks some more in my hair, and then a stripe down the center of my bangs. i'm pretty damn pleased. but no peircing fun today, so frenchie's comin over in a bit and we're gonna hang out. bleh. whoa. the weekend's almost over! SHIT! i need ta get my tongue pierced. and i need to find out when the hell scott's gettin here. and and.. hmm. i have no idea.
Wednesday- January 10, 2001

didn't go to work today... and it's raining and cold. sit at the compy.. watch some tv, bake a cake... probly goin to matt's in a bit. grrr. units are driving me insane now. i want to temporarily die. yea that's impossible, but i really need to get the hell away sometimes and the few times they do let me out it's just not enough coz the second i'm back they have to bitch and whine some more. and this time there's no love in my life to distract me from all the bullshit. but with the whole car accident bullshit i'm gonna be on informal probation or some shit, so this is NOT the time to just randomly run away or live somewhere else for a while. grr and a half. and ya know what? i really really fucking miss those old friends of mine who could actually tell what the fuck i mean when i say something. i'm sick of having no one understand me and feel like some complete freak speaking a foreign language except it's english. just like everyone else around here, but not fucking good enough if it's out of my mouth.
Friday- January 5, 2001

so uhmm.. yes. people suck. some are just so goddamn stubborn and blind i want to kill things. like right now. but i'm off to Big Bear for the weekend, i thought it'd be the coolest thing ever, but the two people in the world who seem to refuse to treat me as a human are now going, so that fucks up stuff. but i've been listening to Gravity Kills a lot today and yesterday, and goddamn they're such sexy music! oh. one thing that sucks.. i can't find my Weetzie Bat book. i wanted to read that up in the cabin and all, but it'd dissappeared. i found Girl Goddess #9, but immediately read Rave and now i dunno if i'll read the rest up there. oh well... i'll take my Crow Graphic Novel.. definately. i'll read it tons. and i'm bringing all the comfystuff i can. ya know.. once again i lose all hope in the human race.. but feel better if i think about scott. i dunno why he always makes me think better of humans... maybe i'm imagining things that aren't there in him. some special happy power or some shit. oh well. imaginary or not.. i'm not gonna kill anything, so it's good.
Wednesday- January 3, 2001

so uhmm.. today i actually managed to sleep in till 4 something. an all time late for me. before this year the lastest i'd EVER EVER woken up was around 12. oh well. oh wait. dude. it's 2001. fuck that. last year was the 12 year. 2001 is the year of all time sleepin. but i'm stayin up late all the time too. i wonder if i should schedule my classes to such an odd sleeping pattern, or change the sleep for the classes. i need to register.. oh fuck. but uhmm.. i'm short on money for the get the scott the fuck over here funds.. so that really really sucks. but yea... uhmm. so uhh. yea. cigarettes suck. especially whatever these things are that frenchie's been smoking. man that stuff is odd. but oh well. i ate mcdonalds food today. i'm so dissappointed in myself. evil mcdonalds.. but they were the only thing open at about 3.30 am. bastaards. i still say we should've gotten gas station food. muahaha.
Tuesday- January 2, 2001

how the hell is it 2001 already? wtf is that? where has my 2000 gone? not that i miss it. that was a really fucked up bad awful evil year. cept meeting the nonmundane group and going to college instead of high school. anyway.. party at quinn's ruled. party at jim's ruled. got cool new boots and collar after it all too. i shoudln't spend my money... but i'm a sucker for sexy boots and i love collars! oh well. so... i dont think i'm ever gonna get over scott and that kinda sucks... not coz i hate him or anything. i love him tons. it's just confusing this way. and i really don't think he cares about me as much.. or if he does he's not showing it so i woudlnt' know anyway and what's with that? i need to meet more forward people or something. not that i'm complaining. i really do love the friends i have. it's made SOO much of a difference to try and figure out who's a true friend. anyway... i'm mopey right now. i should go play with music or makeup or jewelry or something. anything. i'm just confused as hell.
