Wednesday- June 28, 2000

argh i think i have a cold or something. this sucks.... just coughing makes me have a terrible asthma attack. I slept a lot today too. I made a vinyl shirt this morning and it rules, but i feel so tired and shitty. arrrrgh. Hopefully, i'll be working at Everfresh Cafe soon too. I seem to have a pretty good chance. that'll be cool.

Tuesday- June 27, 2000

still scott-moping. bleh and a half. why can't i just hate him? why did we ever meet? maybe it's just life's way of making sure i know that i'm cursed or something. anyway.. i'm scared o getting too attached to people now. don't wanna get too attached to ghosty either, though he's adorable... i'll never actually meet him anyway. cursed i am! aaanyway... i doubt anyone's actually gonna read this stuff. I did i have a nice convorsation with the nina mommy though. she rules. and... i dunno what's going on for today. the usual stuff i guess-watch some tv.. be online a long time.. listen to music. sigh.

Monday- June 26, 2000

welll not much to say for today... but mom got work off, and we had much fun going out to eat and fabric shopping. i got more vinyl and zippers and black fabric and cool stuff. yaay. and... i'm about to go hang out with greg. at least today isn't static or anything. it's too damn hot though. and i need to learn how to unmope. damn boys.. and i'm still happy that Jenn let me play my fav Lauryn Hill song for her. it was just tooo jenn though. that song rules... anyway. i'm off.

Sunday- June 25, 2000

sooo.... what is there to say about life right now? other than "it sucks," i'm not quite sure. I know i know... other people have it worse, it's not the end of the world, blah blah blah. Just coz my life isn't the worst in the world doesnt mean that i can't be unhappy with it, so all you people that like to belittle others' problems can fuck off. Anyway... as i mentioned in the daily blurb thing, the main mopiness of my life is scott... For those who didn't know, he's that netboy that i was madly in love with.... and unluckily i think i still am. He apparently got annoyed at me and blocked me from his AIM, which is the main way we talked. soooo it's been over a month and we haven't talked whatsoever. I refuse to call coz i had to give up my graduation money to pay for my phonebill to him. I'm just not wasting any more money than i already have. he couldn't have chosen a worse time to ignore me either. He was one of my best friends...someone i could turn to that would always be able to unmope me. since i'm not allowed to see or talk to another close friend at all (it's been a few months i think) i just have no one to turn to now. That's what friends are for i guess. anyway...i hope that i never trust another person or become so close ever again.
