Monday- October 30, 2000
so life is just confusing as hell.. it looks like i won't have god for a long time again...
and i don't know if i'll be able to deal with that.. but yesss boys suck as usual, i am
confused as hell by them as usual, but that's how it just has to be i guess. so.. the mice are all cool...
echo's baby is adorable and cuteness... diana's babies have their fur now.. still closed eyes though.
charlie's doin good.. turtle's good... stuff is weird like that. the retouching stuff is pretty cool... quite
happy with this job, and yea. where the hell did october go? how is it that november is going to be here
in a couple of days? that's just not right.
Wednesday- October 25, 2000
CHARLIE'S BACK!!!! *celebrates*
Tuesday- October 24, 2000
well. yesterday, my much loved dog ran away thanks to the carelessness of my
sister, who i will NOT talk about for fear of killing things. and to make life
all the more interesting, two people rather close to me have made jokes of my
loss. i don't know how people can just take that so lightly with me. i constantly
talked about that dog, so how can anyone think that he WASN'T special to me? unluckily
though, both times that my friends poured salt in the wounds, i snapped back. i didn't know
i was that defensive of charlie, but dammit. what ever happend to manners and just good old fashioned
tact? sigh. i hate people. so yea. today we took the van in to get fixed, and after school
i went off to retouching at the studio and stayed there most of today. it was kinda neet, but
i miss charlie way too much. even at incubus/deftones last night, i had to try not to cry
about him. sigh.
Sunday- October 22, 2000
welcome to the most hectec week of my life. please welcome a nice new liscence,
complete with car and accident. on your left you will find communication efficiency
at an all time low with parental units, and straight up ahead are a few humans that
should never serve as examples for us all. please exit the building, i hope your life
has not deteriorated completely.
Monday- October 16, 2000
an editing craze! i think it looks tons better now though. so anyway... shopping
for homecoming stuff with stacie. now that i DON'T go to elmo, i actually wanna
go to the dances! how fucked is that? oh well. just hanging out with the computer
and charlie... waiting for god to call. i miss him tons and it's only been a day.
driving test tomorrow... i'd better fucking get my liscence this time!
Sunday- October 15, 2000
so... i spent most of the day editing this site. i think it's looking a lot better
but it still needs lots of work. argh. the rest of the time was spent playing with
charlie, driving around for a little fabric and food shopping, and the glorious one
hour time period i get to talk to god. i love sexy voices. mmmm. so anyway. i guess
i'm back into html phase. not internet, coz right now i'm not chatting all too much
or looking at other sites. just becoming obsessed with editing my own.
Saturday- October 14, 2000
things are good with me and god again.. i think. we finally got to talk on the phone
thursday night so that was cool. he has such a neet voice! anyway... things still rule
with charlie. yes yes yes. and i gotta hang out with mom and charlie last night. and today...
well. today just started so i don't know why i decided to write so early!
Thursday- October 11, 2000
sooo... god and i were sposed to talk last night but he called RIGHT before i got home
so i missed it. grr and a half. and he was online today and immed me, but i was asleep
on the couch with the dog. we both fell asleep watching tv. speaking of the doggie... he
rules. he's so cool. he's learning so fast and it rules that he's so big coz i can like..
lie on him and it doesn't hurt him. but yea... did i mention that one baby mouse dissappeared?
there's only eight babies now. wow. i wonder if my lack of capital letter usage has annoyed
anyone that reads these things yet. hahah. so yea. i'm bored. i'm not studying for my VB mid-term like
i should be... i have no tic tacs, and i wanna go out, but i wanna stay home with charlie too.
argh and a half to school. oh yea. i missed most of patternmaking today. hah. i got there late and
left early coz... i'm just too kamikaze.
Wednesday- October 10, 2000
i hate visual basic. but yesterday i got a dog. he rules. huge dog.. but the search for a small
indoor dog has obviously ended in my original favorite. very large dogs. but yea... i got him
from a really cool nice guy... $100 including toys, food, chains, and dogloo. when i get pics of
all my pets i'll probly get them online... but i don't even know where my camera is. soo... lately
i hang out with brandy and josh tons.. barely ever see jenn or nikki anymore. that kinda sucks. but
oh well. life is insane as usual... much more so than i shall ever tell here. scared? you should be. muauauaua
(gag) anyway...did i mention my mouse had her babies saturday early morning? they're so cute. 9 lil pink hairless
blind itty bitty baby mice! so yea. this is a big non-internet phase. i think i've been scaring netpeople with it.
i'll be back eventually though... but until then.. enjoy these nice long pauses in my htmlfrenzied attack of the web.