Tuesday- September 19, 2000

soo.. nothing really goin on today yet.. i wrote a song this morning. yay. but last night was odd. i talked to Scott again for the first time in forever. he apologized and explained stuff, so it's all cool between us now. but yesterday sucked a lot coz i was insanely bored and the phone kept ringing and pissing me off. i hate phones. don't call me unless i love you. so anyway... i still don't want to edit the site. so yea.

Thursday- September 14, 2000

so anyway... i think i've been really cynical lately.. odd stuff. but see.. i got these kick ass mice on.. sunday? yea. and monday was the APC concert which fucking rocked... and i gotta see Eric again.. crazy stuff. and so i've been trying to drive lately... gettin better all the time, and in a few minutes i'll have my last behind the wheel training.. and soon after that, my test for the liscense and all... and that means supafuckingcool time. gotta get the van fixed.. but yea. i'm really happy about my mice, but as usual, my current lovelife is absolute hell, and ironically... i was reading my book on palmistry i got WAAAY long ago, and my heart line is full of bad signs and all. maybe you people don't see that as ironic, but i think it's pretty funny. but anyway... i'm really thinking the coccoon is breaking and i'm gonna start the rock star thing soon. i won't be one right away obviously, but the beginning is near.

Friday- September 8, 2000

soo... i haven't written anything in these things for a while... what's up? oh yea. life is insane. everything's gone completely weird for now... and i'm confused as hell about life. and i had this horrible dream this morning... i'm in this museum like place, and i look at this lil reptile display habitat type thing.. and it's like an aerial view of a valley with dinosaurs running around, and a little to the right of that, are some blue geckos... from a normal view.. and a turtle that's the same kind as my old pet, Phil. but anyway.. for some reason.. these people wanted to trick a bunch of fuzzy white animals into going into this room, cept the room is now flooded in blood, and when the animals come in they look all betrayed and hurt and drown in blood and it's really sad. the worst thing was though, that i guess all of a sudden, those animals were people... but not drowned. and some of them i knew. so the people that brought the animals in... start killing the people one by one. one person, as my sister's friend, Irene... and i had to stand there as she dies, but i turned my head so i woudlnt' have to see... and then... at the end of the line, is my sister. the perfect one. i was crying and going insane and stuff.. but she kept telling me it's ok and all... and i woke up crying.