



the crow

starring: Brandon Lee

motion picture I first started getting into The Crow after a friend of mine (Jim), told me about it. He was a big fan, and later bought the movie for me. so here's my show of appreciation for The Crow.
all kinds of crow info
tons of good info on James O'Barr
tons of good info on the graphic novel
directory of crow pics

dark city

Starring: Rufus Sewell, William Hurt, Kiefer Sutherland, and Jennifer Connelly

dark city I wanted to see Dark City from the moment i saw the previews, and having the same director as The Crow could only make me love it more. It is definately one of my favorites. I love the concept, the design, the musical score, the effects... A great movie to see if you like to think.
official site
info and pics


Starring: William Lee Scott, Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, and Jude Law

gattacaI think part of the reason i loved this movie so much was that it involves outer space. "they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. maybe i'm not leaving. maybe i'm going home."
official site

the matrix

Starring: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, and Joe Pantoliano

matrixDo i need to explain why i think this is a great movie? i mean... they had breakthrough effects, cool sets, nice clothes, great action, and good music too. flawless.
official site
info site