G U I T A R - My main instrument for now. looks like Chrischick and
i are gonna be in a band together yet again! a nice lil metal band... she wants
it to be a chickband.. i'm not too sure about it, but oh well. i wanna plaayy!!!! i'm
still playing Classical guitar sometimes, but i play the electrics a lot more lately.
- i have a sparkly silver Ibanez electric guitar..RG570
...named "Shling" 24 fret.. two humbuckers and
a single.. 5 pickup settings.. floyd rose/locked
neck system... and i love him.
- and a Yamaha
classical guitar.. that is painted all dark blue n has
a glow in the dark moon on him. If you see me at school...
that's the guitar i always have. That one's named Robin.
-and a Peavy Nitro i borrowed from my cousin a few
years ago... but pretty recently, she said i could keep it.
This is Ashe.. cherrywood body.. floyd rose...
it's all maroonish and absolutely gorgeous. oh..
and has gold hardware n stuff. It's some special
collectors thing i think. worth lots...eheeh.
- i have ONE pedal. A greenish DOD Flanger. It's absolutely
great. works real well... and maybe soon i'll
have more, but for now.. i have one.
B A S S - I've been playing bass
as kind of a side hobby thing. i don't do it much,
but i like to mess around with it once in awhile.
- here's my baby, Malificent, on halloween a few
years ago. She has dragons on her now, coz i love
to decorate. She's a shiney pretty green color...
and yes, an IBANEZ!!! good old Sound Gear. Great sound.
I'm not gettin that other bass, but oh well. i'm
happy with this one.
K E Y S - well.. mallots.. keys.. etc. If you have
no idea what i'm talking about.. think of
I have my own bells... and the infamous
bumble bee mallets. he ehe. I also know how to play
some other purcussion instruments thanks to marching band,
but it's not every day i need to play a tympani or sleigh bells or something.
D R U M S - I GOT DRUMS!!!!!!!! 6-21-00 is the grand
day. yes oh yes i finally have a drumset and it rules...
but i need to make mufflers or something coz drums are so
loud... yeeea! and.. i figured out that i actually have a lot better
control of the bass drum when i'm wearing shoes with heels. how weird
is that? anyway... i'm obviously not very good yet.
i think it's a Yamaha stage custom or something.. with zildgian
V O C A L S - ok.. i'm getting semi-confident with my voice
now. i lost it after a cold a long time ago, but i'm gettin it back.
it's getting better...but still not what it used to be. and.. i have a manvoice.
i'm trying to get a higher range. so... i have an AKG mic plugged
into an amp, with a black stand wrapped in star garland.
Instruments i have Yet to Conquer:
Zither- ok.. now i might have to wait until around march to get a zither. grr.
Violin- i have one.. but don't know how to use it. my cousin's borrowing
it right now actually. i hope she puts it to better use than i did!
click click
Ibanez - my brand of choice. a realy awesome site too. and very sexy guitars and basses. and some ugly ones...but lots of sexy ones.
loudside - very very cool site, they do band promos and have tons of news and info on bands.
guitar center is where i
usually buy my guitars and stuff.
got Shling and Malificent there.
i got my drums here though...
my usual radio station to listen to
is KROQ. 106.7 around
here.. though i don't listen to radio all that much